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2016 ZVCA Delegation of Chinese Investors to Israel – a high-tech & innovative t

2016.09.05 16:24

The Delegation of Chinese Investors to Israel, which is organized by ZVCA has successfully finished at August 26, 2016. During the period, the members visited the cities of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa. Also, they visited many famous companies & universities, exchanged with many political & business elites, and participated in many business conferences & road show projects. In addition, they met with the diplomatists of Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This delegation facilitated the mutual understanding among the Chinese investors, the Israel government & institutions. It served as a favorable foundation for further investment in Israel in foreseeable future.


Remarkable Review:

Business conference with the lawyers of Yigal Arnon&Co. (legal firm)

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Yigal Arnon& Co. is the largest and the top legal firm in Israel. It is an international integrated legal firm, which has established for 55 years. It employs around 150 staffs, and co-operate with 53 partners in Israel. 

Business Conference between Canaan Partners-Israel SEQUQIA&CAPITAL

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Canaan Partners is a global investment company, which is highly focused on the areas of high-tech innovative and medical & health care. Its successful investment includes:  Acme Packet, CommerceOne, DoubleClick, Match.com (high-tech areas), andCerexa, Dexcom, Northstar Neuroscience, Peninsula Pharmaceuticals (medical & health care areas).

Business Conference with Mr. YitziKempinski, the Founder of Umoove

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Umoove is a high-tech company, which is focused on the development of a real-time monitoring system in detecting faces and eyeball movements by its unique calculation method.Umoove has raised 3 millions US dollars to launch a new mobile health care products in foreseeable future.  

Business Conference with Mr.EliranMalki, the CEO of BELONG (Bio-tech)

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Belong Tail is a company which is focused on the provision of advanced and personalized health care management services to Cancer patients& their families. Their qualified health care staff & specialists reduce the patients’ painful from the medical treatment process by building up their psychological mind. In addition, they seek the advanced method by digging big data & electronic medical journals in order to shorten the time for medical treatment.

Business Conference with Nielsen Innovation, acceleratorin Haifa

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The visit of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa

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Business conference with Trendlines (a listed company in Singapore)

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Business conference with the diplomatists of Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Business conference with the manager of URO Lapis,& participated in the projects road shows of Israel companies (included BarkanPharma Israel Ltd)in Weizma, a science & technology park in Israel,


Meeting with the Mayor of Ariel at August 24, 2016

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Meeting with the Council members of Ariel University

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Visit the R & D Department of Robot in Ariel University

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At August 25, 2016, our delegation members have a business meeting with Mr. Jone Medye, the CEO of OurCrowd, a lead equity crowdfunding platform in the world.

OurCrowd has established in Jerusalem since 2013. It is one of the fastestgrowing company & the most success company in the world because it has assisted 67 new companies to fund 120 millions US dollars since 2013.

In addition, OurCrowd would act as a VC to invest the new companies in the crowdfunding platform. OurCrowd earns 2% management fee per annum from the investors and also receives 20-25% of income as remuneration when the investors quit from their investment projects.

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