Position: HOME / ABOUT US / Leadership / Co-President


Chen Wenzheng

Managing Parter of Qianhai FOF

Presidents Brief Introduction

Managing Parter of Qianhai FOF

Current President of Qianhai Ark Asset Management Co., Ltd.; Prior Vice President of Shenzhen Capital Group (SCGC) and Secretary-General of Shenzhen Capital Group ’s Investment and Decision Committee; Prior Chairman of Hotland Innovation Asset Management Co., Ltd.Mr. Wenzheng Chen has more than 20 years of experience in corporate management, investment and venture capital management. He has successfully managed to create a case of guarantee relief through asset reorganization. Mr. Chen has led a number of investment projects and successful IPO cases and was the key participant and practitioner of the application of Shenzhen Capital Group ’s Government-Backed Fund model. Mr. Chen was awarded the “Outstanding Achievement Award of Outstanding Equity and Venture Capitalists” and “2013 China Top 10 Venture Capitalist " in the 2013 Third Annual Evaluation of China Equity and Venture Capital Industry, sponsored by the China Venture Capital & Private Equity Association.