Position: HOME / ABOUT US / Leadership / Co-President




Presidents Brief Introduction

KYAN SU LONE was born in 1972.
Kyan is currently pursuing Master’s Degree in Management (EMBA Program at Xiamen
University) , has been awarded Honorary Doctorate from Sabi University. Kyan is performing the
lead role in various chinese and macanese authorities and organizations, namely, Commission
Member of Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region, a Member of Fujian Provincial
Committee of CPPCC Committee and Deputy Director of the Education, Science, Culture, Public
Health and Sport Committee, a Vice Chairman of Fujian Province Federation of Returned Overseas
Chinese, also is a University Director of City University in Macao and a Council President of Macao
ASEAN International Chamber of Commerce, etc.. In addition to the above involvements and
contributions, he invested and established the Xiamen University National University Science Park,
the Sea Silk Technology Innovation Development Association, and the China technology alliance
of Macau Digital, among others; furthermore, in order to facilitate the construction of the Greater
Bay Area and the diversification of Macau’s economic development, in 2019, Kyan co-founded
the Creater Bay Area Homeland Investment Limited and planned to set up the Investment fund.